Premature Ejaculation
- By Dr Vikas Singh,
M.B.B.S., M.S., M.Ch.
Urologist, Genito Uro Oncologist and Kidney Transplant Surgeon,
Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, Indore.
Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common sexual problem experienced by many men. It is defined as the inability to control or delay ejaculation during sexual activity, leading to distress and dissatisfaction. If you're seeking information on premature ejaculation, you're not alone. It's one of the most searched topics on Google when it comes to sexual health. In this article, we will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about premature ejaculation.
What is premature ejaculation?
A: Premature ejaculation is a sexual dysfunction where a man ejaculates too quickly during sexual intercourse, before he or his partner are ready. It is considered premature if it occurs within two minutes of penetration. PE can cause distress and anxiety for both the man and his partner.
What causes premature ejaculation?
The exact cause of premature ejaculation is not known. However, several factors can contribute to it, including anxiety, stress, depression, relationship problems, physical factors such as hormonal imbalances, inflammation or infection of the prostate gland, and neurological conditions.
How is premature ejaculation diagnosed?
Premature ejaculation can be diagnosed by a healthcare provider. The provider will typically ask about your medical history and sexual history, and may perform a physical exam. The provider may also use a stopwatch to time how long it takes for you to ejaculate during sexual activity.
How is premature ejaculation treated?
There are several treatment options for premature ejaculation. These include behavioral techniques, medications, and topical agents. Behavioral techniques may include the stop-start technique or the squeeze technique, which involve pausing sexual activity or squeezing the base of the penis to delay ejaculation. Medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and topical anesthetics may also be used to treat PE.
Can premature ejaculation be cured?
While there is no cure for premature ejaculation, it can be managed with treatment. Behavioral techniques, such as the stop-start and squeeze techniques, can be effective for many men. Medications, such as SSRIs and topical anesthetics, can also be helpful. Additionally, counseling and therapy may be beneficial for men who experience PE due to psychological factors.
Is premature ejaculation normal?
Premature ejaculation is a common sexual dysfunction that affects many men. It is estimated that up to one in three men experience PE at some point in their lives. While it may be distressing for some men, it is a normal and treatable condition.
Can premature ejaculation be caused by anxiety?
Yes, anxiety can contribute to premature ejaculation. Anxiety and stress can increase the likelihood of premature ejaculation, as they can affect a man's ability to relax and control his sexual response.
Is there a link between premature ejaculation and infertility?
Premature ejaculation is not directly linked to infertility. However, if a man ejaculates before penetration or shortly after, it may decrease the chances of conception, as the sperm may not have had enough time to reach the egg.
Can premature ejaculation be a sign of prostate cancer?
Premature ejaculation is not typically a sign of prostate cancer. However, other symptoms such as pain or difficulty urinating, blood in the urine, or a lump in the prostate gland may indicate prostate cancer.
Can alcohol cause premature ejaculation?
Yes, alcohol can contribute to premature ejaculation. Alcohol can affect a man's ability to control his sexual response, leading to premature ejaculation.
In conclusion, premature ejaculation is a common sexual dysfunction that can be distressing for men and their partners. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available, including behavioral techniques, medications, and counseling. If you're experiencing premature ejaculation, don't be afraid to talk to your healthcare provider, as they can help you determine the best course of treatment for your